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1818 High School Class Visits

Scheduling, preparing for your visit, parking, logistics, and general resources for high school class visits to Pius XII Memorial Library

Getting Help from a Librarian


  • Encourage the students to use chat if they are having trouble finding resources
  • Encourage the students to use chat if they are having issues accessing a resource or saving/emailing the resource to themselves
  • Please monitor their chat use, as some students have abused this service in the past


On-Call Librarian

  • Use this service as a last resort. The on-call librarian should only be contacted if you or a student are having trouble accessing or finding any resources, and the librarians on chat are unable to assist. 

Emailing + Saving Ebook Chapters

Most students will not need the entire ebook; rather, they will want just one to two chapters. Thus, we recommend students not download the entire book. That process is also very complicated, and is not a workable solution. 

To email a chapter or various pages:

  • Open the ebook by clicking PDF Full Text. click on "Email Pages" at the top of the screen. 
  • Each book has a specific amount of pages allotted to email/save, and the database will tell you at the top that number.
  • Specify the number of pages you wish to email. Fill in the appropriate fields and click Email PDF. 
  • Saving works the same as emailing; however, the pages will be downloaded to the computer as a PDF. You can then save the pages to a usb flash drive, or attach to an email. 

Emailing + Saving PDFs

Access:  Due to licensing restrictions,  high school students may access subscription resources (databases and ejournals) on campus only.  This includes links to full text.

Most databases have a "Tools" section, usually located on the right side of the page. It is here where students can save, download, and email most articles from our databases. 


The easiest way for students to have access to their articles after they leave campus is to email the article to themselves. Simply click on the email icon and fill in the appropriate fields, making sure the HTML or PDF box is checked. 



  • Click the PDF Full Text link (usually on the left side of the page). 
  • This will open up the PDF. To download and save the PDF, click on the pointed down arrow at the top of the page.
  • Be sure to save to a flash drive. 


  • Click the save button on the right side of the page. 
  • In Chrome, select right click (with your mouse) on this page and select SAVE AS
  • In Internet Explorer, select FILE then SAVE AS from your browser's toolbar above. Be sure to save as a plain text file (.txt) or a 'Web Page, HTML only' file (.html). 
  • In FireFox, select FILE then SAVE FILE AS from your browser's toolbar above.