Research takes time, and when you're working on research for a paper you might spend hours researching and try many, many searches before you're done. But you shouldn't spend hours searching and finding nothing. If you spend 20-30 minutes on your research and you're not finding anything remotely relevant, please stop what you're doing and contact your librarian! I can help you develop search search strategy, and maybe choose another database more suited for your topic.
This course page was created for SOC 4025: Qualitative Research With Dr. Bruce O'Neill. This is just a selection of sources that may be useful to you in this course. Contact the librarian for your course (Rebecca Hyde) with questions or to make an appointment for an in-depth research consultation. For quick and/or general questions you can contact Rebecca or use our 24/5 chat assistance to get help with your research!
Some databases will include the full-text of articles, but others will include the button which links to full-text when available and if not available, gives you the option to request articles for free through Interlibrary Loan's Illiad service.
Finding Book Reviews
Use the article databases list above to search for book reviews written by scholars in the field.
General Tips for Searching Library Databases
Feeling stuck or don't know where to start? Email your librarian or use our chat service!
Print and eBooks are included in the SLUth Search Plus database, but if you'd like to search them separately, you can use the SLU Libraries Catalog.
If SLU Libraries don't have the book you're looking for, you can search the MOBIUS catalog. This will search 70+ academic & public libraries in the Midwest. Books are delivered via courier, and usually arrive in 3-5 business days.
If you can't find a book via SLU Libraries or MOBIUS, you can place an Interlibrary Loan request for it. Print books usually take 2-3 weeks to arrive.
Options for St. Louis Post Dispatch Articles
Additional News Sources
Search across all of SLU's subscribed ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender, Chicago Tribune, Kansas City Call, Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, St. Louis American, and St. Louis Post-Dispatch.