Databases for Evidence Based Practice
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature).
- Covers all the major nursing journals
- Limit Results: Publication Date, Peer-Reviewed, Research, Core Nursing Journal Subset, English Language, Age Groups, etc.
- Use the Cite feature to format reference in APA, but requires some editing
- Best bet for finding articles for your research papers or for patient care topics
PubMed/MEDLINE. 1940s- Present.
- Premier resource for access to international literature on medicine, nursing, and the allied health fields.
- Click on the Databases tab, then locate PubMed in the alphabetical list to access full-text articles at SLU.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
- CDSR contains full text of regularly updated systematic reviews of healthcare effects on major clinical topics.