Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)
- EBSCOhost product
- Subscription Only (closed web--not freely available)
- Covers Allied Health journals--peer reviewed and non-peer-reviewed
- Good for:
- Research Articles
- Peer Reviewed Journals
- Types of Studies
- Can utilize basic keyword search techniques as well as Subject Headings.
- Use Basic or Advanced Search and Search History to build search; use Advanced Search to add filters (such as English Language and Health Promotion or research subsets!).
- Can format references in APA--but be aware for errors.
- Hints:
- Limit Results: Peer-Reviewed, Research, English
- Do NOT use the “Full Text” limit
- Use the Cite feature to format reference in APA but edit!
- Tip for finding Health Behavior Theory/Model for assignment: use the CINAHL heading (MH "Models, Theoretical+") or you can use the keyword string (model OR theory OR theoretical).
- Results default to newest first.