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How to do a Literature Review

the basic steps for a literature review

Finding Terms

To find terms that you want to search - you need to think broadly.  You may want to do a quick search to find 2-3 papers on your topic then read these to see what terms they are using, acronyms (if applicable).   You will to define your terms

See a couple examples below:

If you want to explore mental health in adolescence :

for mental health you would want to possibly search: anxiety, depression, bipolar, eating disorders, self harm, and suicide

for adolescence you would want to search: adolescence, adolescent, teen, teens, teenager, high school, young adult 

Another example - you want to explore patients use of mobile apps:

for mobile apps you may want to search: mobile apps, mobile applications, Apple, Smartphone app, Cell phone app, Android, Facebook, X, TikTok, Instagram, etc.