10/25/1991-present. Each issue of this resource explores all sides of a "hot" current topic in some depth. Use it to find research topic ideas, refine a topic, or get background information on a topic.
Provides pro-con resources for topics in the media by including the Opposing Viewpoints book series; journal, magazine, and newspaper articles; statistics; and more.
1887-present. This multidisciplinary and multi-format database indexes and abstracts over 17,800 magazines and journals with more than 8,500 periodicals containing some full text. Over 15,000 of the journals are peer-reviewed.
1937-present. Search the primary index for nursing and allied health literature including health education, medical records, occupational therapy, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, physician's assistant, and more. Max: 8 simultaneous users.
Using this unique link will display the “Find It @ SLU” full-text link for all articles. The definitive database for medical research and drug studies provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. 1809-present. Freely available online.