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Education Law

Librarian-selected resources for researching law topics in education--specifically, finding cases by topic, parties, and citation. Useful for the specific courses of Law and Higher Education, Law and Ethics, School Law, and Advanced School Law.


AND  narrows search

copyright act AND fair use                                      

 In addition to AND, LexisNexis provides some "narrower ands"

w/n - within a specified number of words - w/5; w/10; w/25 (n < 255)

w/p - within a paragraph

w/s - within a sentence

Example:  reform w/2 school


reform school
school reform
reform _ school
school _ reform
reform _ _ school
school _ _ reform

pre/n - within a specified number of words AND in the order entered (n < 255)

Example:  reform pre/2 school


reform school
reform _ school
reform _ _ school

OR broadens search

 copyright act OR fair use OR Teach Act                        

Grouping terms with Connectors
Sophisticated users of Connectors (Boolean Operators) may combine multiple terms and Connectors by the strategic use of parentheses to GROUP terms.

fair use AND (higher education OR colleges OR universities)      

Truncation or Wild Cards

!   for multiple letters    

copyright! yields





*  for one letter - may be used multiple times

psych****ist yields



Other Search Tips

1.  Combine ideas to get a search statement

Example:   (copyright or copyright act) and fair use

2.  Revise a search

Use Edit Search link at top of results page. 

3.  Use Search within results (upper right-hand corner) to search within results to further narrow a search