AND narrows search
copyright act AND fair use
In addition to AND, LexisNexis provides some "narrower ands"
w/n - within a specified number of words - w/5; w/10; w/25 (n < 255)
w/p - within a paragraph
w/s - within a sentence
Example: reform w/2 school
reform school
school reform
reform _ school
school _ reform
reform _ _ school
school _ _ reform
pre/n - within a specified number of words AND in the order entered (n < 255)
Example: reform pre/2 school
reform school
reform _ school
reform _ _ school
OR broadens search
copyright act OR fair use OR Teach Act 
Grouping terms with Connectors
Sophisticated users of Connectors (Boolean Operators) may combine multiple terms and Connectors by the strategic use of parentheses to GROUP terms.
fair use AND (higher education OR colleges OR universities)