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Education Law

Librarian-selected resources for researching law topics in education--specifically, finding cases by topic, parties, and citation. Useful for the specific courses of Law and Higher Education, Law and Ethics, School Law, and Advanced School Law.

Reference Sources - Education Law

Encyclopedias and other reference sources can be helpful when background information or an overview of a topic is needed. 

Bickel, Robert D.  The College Administrator and the Courts. 
     Pius Library KF 4225 .A59 B45 Suppl
     A loose-leaf service received 4 times per year through 2007

Young, D. Parker.  The College Student and the Courts
Pius Library KF4243.A59 Y68 1977 Suppl
​     A loose-leaf service received 4 times per year through 2007.

Online General Reference