Databases will help you find articles on a topic. Search them by subject heading, if possible, rather than by keyword. Remote access to web-based databases is restricted to current Saint Louis University (SLU) students, faculty, and staff. See Off-Campus Access to Subscription-Based E-Resources on the Pius Library website for access instructions.
The databases listed in this section are:
E-Journal Portal will tell you if a particular journal is available online, and how much, via the SLU Libraries.
SLU Libraries Catalog Journal Search will tell you if the SLU Libraries have a journal online, in print, or on microfilm. It also will indicate whether a bound volume of a journal has been relocated to the Locust Street Library Facility (LSLF).
most cases, articles will be delivered electronically within 24 hours of your request, Monday-Friday. You will receive notification at your SLU email address when requested articles are ready for download.