The SLU Libraries Catalog ( consists of the holdings of the Saint Louis University Libraries. It is a component of MOBIUS, a consortium of over 70 academic libraries in Missouri with its own shared catalog. To look for a book, begin the search in the SLU Libraries Catalog. If the book is owned by Pius and currently available, it should be at the shelf location identified by its call number. If the book is unavailable at Pius but can be found at another SLU library, use the Libraries Catalog's Request feature to borrow it from that other SLU Library (you can also go and check it out yourself from these libraries). If the book is unavailable from a SLU Library, then use the Search MOBIUS feature to search the MOBIUS Catalog. And if the book is unavailable from both the SLU Libraries and MOBIUS, be sure to check the Prospector link in the MOBIUS Catalog to see if the book is available, via MOBIUS, from its partner libraries in Colorado or Wyoming. Finally, if the book is not available from any of these libraries, place an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request for it through the ILLIAD system. All requests for journal articles should be placed through ILL.
Consult the SLU Libraries Catalog for additional resources about tests and measures in general, the issues of reliability and validity, test construction, test administration, and information about other instruments.
TUTORIAL:Finding Books on a Topic With the SLU Libraries Catalog
Click here to view this online tutorial on Catalog search basics.