Links to general statitics resources are listed below. Sources for more specialized statistics are found on pages in this gudie that cove specific topics and/or populations.
The Statistical Abstract of the U.S. includes brief statistics on almost every topic. The focus is on the U.S. but some international statistics are included. This is a great source to start with to find which agency or organization has collected more in-depth statistics.
This tool provides easy mapping and report creation functions for U.S. Census data on population and housing, as well as statistics on religion, crime and health.
PolicyMap is a multi-disciplinary interactive online mapping and visualization tool that provides access to data, including, demographic, spending, housing, quality of life, economy, health.
Search searches .gov, .mil, .us and selected other domains that include official local, regional, state and federal government agencies. This is a good place to search for statistics since the government collects so many statistics on a variety of topics. NOTE: Does not search local government websites using .com domains such as St. Louis County.
The mission of the BJS is to collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government.