Qur'an, single leaf
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Call Number: VFL MS 025
Publication Date: 18th century
Written in Iran, in Arabic.
Includes: Sura 63, al-Munāfiqūn (The Hypocrites), verses 8-11; Sura 64, at-Tagabun (Loss and Gain); Sura 65, at-Talaq (The Divorce); Sura 66 at-Tahrim (The Prohibition); Sura 67, al-Mulk (The Kingdom); Sura 68, al-Qalam (The Pen); Sura 69, al-Haqqa (The Sure Calamity); Sura 70, al-Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent); Sura 71, Nuh (Nuh); Sura 72, al-Jinn (The Jinn); Sura 73, al-Muzzammil (The Wrapped Up), verses 1-11.
Pictured here: MS 025, fol. a, recto.