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English for Academic Purposes Faculty Resource Guide

The Library in EAP 400-600 Courses

These courses typically do not involve a research component; however, if you want your students to become acquainted with the library, you can direct them to the resources below. There are also accompanying Library Learning Outcomes that you can include in your teaching outcomes for the course should you not wish to incorporate information literacy outcomes into your course. 

Library Learning Outcomes for EAP 400-600

Students will be able to:

  • Recognize resources the library offers in order to meet their current and ongoing information needs. 
  • Identify the EAP Librarian in order to know where to go for help should they need research assistance. 

 Sample Activities + Assessments

  1. Ask students to reflect on their library use in their home country. Give them examples of how the library works in the United States and at SLU. Invite and encourage the students to use the library as a place to study or get help from the EAP librarian. 
  2. Ask students to watch the video about finding books in Pius Library. Have them go to the library and find a book on their topic. 


Recommended Information Literacy Goals for EAP 400-600

If you would like to incorporate critical thinking about information into your course goals, objectives, or outcomes, here is a list of recommended goals based on the course syllabi. As always, you can contact the EAP librarian to tailor information literacy outcomes to your course, request assignment specific assistance, and request instruction sessions. 

Recommended Information Literacy Goals for EAP 400-600*

  • Students will be able to identify interested parties, such as scholars, organizations, governments, and industries, who might produce information about a topic and then determine how to access that information.
  • Students will be able to recognize that information may be perceived differently based on the format in which it is packaged. 
  • Students will be able to seek guidance from experts such as librarians, experts, and instructors. 

*These goals are aligned with the Association of College and Research Library's Framework for Information Literacy.

Sample Activities + Assessments

  1. Write a sample topic on the white board. Lead the students in a group brainstorm about where they might find information about that topic asking questions such as: Who might care about this topic? Who would want to write and/or read about information pertaining to this topic? Then have the students seek out information based on this discussion. 
  2. Students need to understand credibility, relevance, and appropriateness of resources pertaining to their assignment. When we talk about the different ways information is packaged, students may get a clearer picture about why some resources are more appropriate than others. Divide the students into groups and give them each a specific information resource (i.e.: a tweet, a blog post, a wiki post, a newspaper article). Have them describe the resource and discuss answers to questions such as: Who writes this? Who reads this? How is it created? How/who shares it? In what way could it be shared?