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1991-present. Excellent source for theory and research in international affairs. Includes scholarly journal articles, policy briefs, conference proceedings, working papers from university research institutes, videos, and more.
Provides detailed country surveys containing the latest analytical, statistical and directory data available for over 250 countries and territories.
Formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL). A growing collection of reference books. Subjects include history, philosophy, religion, science, business, careers, literature, law, medicine, education, and more.
  • Freely available online
Freely available online. A service of the Government Publishing Office (GPO) to provide free public access to the full text of current and historical official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.

Provides access to millions of primary source, full-text/full-image documents on the most widely studied topics in 19th and 20th-century American history.

Repository of social science data sets for research and instruction. Disciplines represented include political science, sociology, economics, history, education, gerontology, criminal justice, public health, foreign policy, and law.
Provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and reports covering all aspects of the past and current state of military affairs.

Provides access to full-text of local, national, and international news sources; business, financial, and company information; legal sources for state and federal levels.

A collection of reference resources about law with a focus on aspects of international law. Courtesy of Vincent C. Immel Law Library.
1915-present. This database indexes journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters and more on political science, public administration, economics, law, and topics that are or may become subjects of legislation.

Multi-disciplinary interactive online mapping and visualization tool that provides access to data, including, demographic, spending, housing, quality of life, economy, health, and more.

Offers granular reporting and analysis across 16 policy coverage areas along with tools, trackers, and data to provide key policy intelligence. Courtesy of the Vincent C. Immel Law Library.
Congressional materials indexed (including selected full text) include all types of U.S. legislative information such as Congressional Hearings (1824-present) and Congressional Research Services (CRS) Reports (1916 to present).
1929 (and before) - 2016. Provides comprehensive legislative histories for U.S. Public Laws consisting of searchable PDFs of the law itself, all versions of related bills, Congressional Record excerpts, committee hearings, reports, prints, and more for each law.
2013-present. When looking for statistics, this is the place to begin. Brief statistics are included on almost every topic with a U.S. focus, along with some international statistics. Tables provide original source.
1975-2016. A complete online collection of full opinions from Supreme Court argued cases, including per curiam decisions, dockets, oral arguments, joint appendices and amicus briefs.

Brings together primary source content relevant to civil rights in the U.S. with statistics and data from federal government sources and provides context with topic pages, timelines, and newspaper articles.

Brings together primary source content relevant to U.S. environmental policy with statistics and data from federal government sources and provides context with topic pages, timelines, and newspaper articles.
1790-present. A curated primary source collection of U.S. government documents on immigration and border security.
1937-present. Search indexing and abstracts for public affairs topics such as banking & public finance, criminal justice, education, emigration & immigration, environment, natural disasters, poverty, and politics & elections.
Formerly DataPlanet. Search across federal, state, local, and privately collected statistics from banking to Zillow real estate data.
2007-2014. Currently consists of 173 encyclopedias, handbooks, and dictionaries with copyright dates of 2007 through 2014. Subjects covered are primarily in the social sciences with some health-related topics.
1790-present. Provides easy mapping and report creation functions for U.S. Census data on population and housing, as well as statistics on religion, crime, health; census data from Canada and the UK; and European Union statistics.
  • Freely available online
Freely available online. An open access digital repository for eprint scholarly working papers with a number of research networks. Search the Abstract Database or browse by network such as law, business, humanities, and more.

1949 - 2010. This St. Louis newspaper describes itself as the “voice of the area's African-American community.” It provides first-hand accounts and coverage of the politics, society, and events of the time.

A statistics portal that integrates data on media, business, politics, education, technology and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets on over 80,000 topics from 18,000 sources.
  • Freely available online
Freely available online. Varies by data set. One stop for statistics provided by the United Nations. It includes time-series data and more for approximately 200 countries on many topics.
Database for users looking to gain insight into conflicts and their causes, impact, and perception on a global scale.
1990-present. Brings together Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded and the newer Emerging Sources Citation Index. Search thousands of research journals by topic or do a Cited Reference search.

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Political Science Subject Librarians

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Rebecca Hyde
Pius XII Memorial Library
Room 202H