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SLU School of Medicine Lantern Slide Collection

Descriptions of a collection of lantern slides donated to us by the SLU School of Medicine.

SOM Lantern Slide Collection BOX 2 - SLD 2010.0025.2

Box 2 –15.25”L x 4 9/16”H x 4.75”W

Made of wood, has a locking device, hinged lid, black exterior, label in interior lid, 75 slots for slides. Label inscription reads: SLIDES [printed on label] / Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Syphilis 1 to 14 inclusive. Congenital Syphilis 20 to 15 inclusive. Statistics 31 to36 inclusive. Venereal Disease Menace Cars 45 to 75 inclusive. Houses 64 lantern slides (all are 3.25” x 4”)

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Image Type


Physical Attribute


Slide 1


Venereal Disease

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

No. 5, I. The Nature of Venereal Diseases, Venereal Diseases are Communicable, Germs of Gonorrhea, Highly Magnified, The gonorrhea germs are the small biscuit-shaped objects in the above diagram. Germs of Syphilis, Highly Magnified, The syphilis germs are the spiral-shaped objects in the above diagram. Gonorrhea and syphilis are germ diseases. They are acquired through contact with a person who already has the disease; usually – but not always – through sexual intercourse.  [text of drawing] / 1 [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number is on both sides]

Slide 2



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 291.–Section through the edge of a chancroid, showing Ducrey’s bacillus. [text of drawing]

Slide 3




2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 12–Chancres of the glabrous skin are frequently large in size. (Collection of Dr. T. Caspar Gilchrist.) Fig. 13–Chancres of the fingers are not rarities in the medical profession. In this instance, the infection was acquired in examining for adenoids with an ungloved finger.

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Slide 5

Colored photograph


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Small popular and papulopustular syphiloderm, with some scattered small and large pustules (Mracck) [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number]

Slide 6

Colored photography


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 740 -  Slight ptosis and diplopia due to partial paralysis of the third cranial nerve (right). Note the beginning outward and slight downward deviation of the eyeball. The patient recovered under treatment. Fig. 741 – Total paralysis of the right third cranial nerve, with complete ptosis, turning of the eyeball outward and somewhat downward, pupil dilated and immobile, accommodation paralyzed, and crossed diplopia. This paralysis was permanent. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number 10 ½ is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 7

Colored photograph


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 310 – Cireinate squamous syphilide. (Fox. Howard: Palmar Syphilides , Am. Jour. Syphilis, 1917, i , No. 2.) Fig. 311 – Papular Syphilide, with marked scaling. (Fox. Howard: Palmar Syphilides , Am. Jour. Syphilis, 1917, i , No. 2.) ”. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number is on both sides]

Slide 8

Colored photograph

Back of head

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 86 – The alopecia occurring during early syphilis is a patchy one, usually not so severe as in this instance. Fig. 87 - Syphilitic alopecia usually has a “moth-eaten” appearance. (Collection of Dr. Richard L. Sutton) [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

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Slide 10



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 123 – Iritis papurosa (?)[typed on label that is folded over the edge; number 10 ½ is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 10½


Diseases of the Senses – Syphilis

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “The following list, compiled from a number of authorities, gives the names of the more important diseases of the organs and structures of the special senses…”  [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 11

Colored photograph


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 102 – While gummata of the lymph nodes are rare in the white race, they are much more frequent in the colored. In this instance th esubmammary lymph node was affected. (Collection of Dr. T. Caspar Gilchrist.) [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 12



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 142 – A young girl fell from a chair to the floor; within a few weeks a large swelling developed just below the elbow, which was at first thought by the surgeons to be sarcomatous, but the Roentgen rays showed periostitis, which was syphilitic in character. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 13

Color photograph

6 gentlemen

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 278 – A group of paretics, Taken to chow exalted and melancholic phases (Dr. Atwood). [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 13¼


Nervous Disorders

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “The Following are Some Statistics of Nervous and Mental Conditions Occurring in the United States and Germany”. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number is on both sides]

Slide 13½


Nervous Disorders – Syphilis

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “The following is a list of the important diseases of the nervous system…” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 14

Colored photograph


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 806 – syphilitic keratodermia, with pseudo-elephantiasis (Courtesy of Dr. Grover W. Wende) [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

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Slide 20

Colored photograph

Nurse & babies

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 327 – Congenital syphilis. Mother untreated during pregnancy. (From Diseases of Chidlren, Chapin & Pisek.) Fig. 328 – Effects of prenatal treatment. Full term healthy infant 4 months old. Mother syphilitic. Wassermann 4 plus before birth of child. Mother received 6 salvarsan and 8 mercury injections before birth of child. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 20¼


Syphilitic children

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “Experience with Children of Syphilitic Parents by Doctor Ludwig Spitzer…” …” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 20¾


Syphilitic children

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “Congenital Syphilis Among School Children, reprinted in the Venereal Disease Information of February 20, 1928…” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 21

Colored photograph


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 129 – The notching in Hutchinson’s teeth is characteristic. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 21¼


Pregnancy – Syphilis

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “Influences of Pregnancy on Syphilis and Syphilis on Pregnancy, by M. Lepore…” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 22

Colored photograph


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 94 – Interstitial gummous glossitis is fairly common and gives rise to deep fissures. …” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 23

Colored photograph

Hands & fingers

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 83 – Symmetrical saucered nails. Pathognommic of syphilis (Collection of Dr. H.R. Varney) Fig. 84 – Symmetrical saucered nails of syphilis (Collection of Dr. H.R. Varney) Fig. 85 – Symmetrical saucered syphilitic nails, showing correction following treatment (Collection of Dr. H.R. Varney) [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 24

Colored Photograph


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 832 – Types of Saber tibia in tardive heredosyphilis. Fig. 833 – Technic of palpating the saber tibia to detect the fusiform thickening, which is quite as important as the anterior bowing. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 25



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 140 – Interstitial keratitis

Slide 26





Slide 27

Colored photograph


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 903 – Nodular leprosy involving the chin, cheeks and ears. (Photograph by Bureau of Science, Manila, Dr. John A. Johnston, Acting Director) Fig. 904 – Nodular leprosy, showing extensive ulceration (Courtesy of Dr. Howard Morrow) [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 28

Colored photograph

Faces & feet

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 884 – Secondary yaws (Courtesy of Isadore Dyer) Fig. 885 – Yaws, of the so-called malignant type. (Photograph by Bureau of Science, Manila, Dr. John A Johnston, Acting Director) Fig. 886 – Yaws, showing typical mulberry and raspberry lesions (Photograph by Bureau of Science, Manila, Dr. John A Johnston, Acting Director) Fig. 887 – Yaws, note the resemblance of the lesions to those of tertiary syphilis (Photograph by Bureau of Science, Manila, Dr. John A Johnston, Acting Director) [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 29

Colored photograph


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 890 – Gangosa, early stage of disease (Courtesy of Surgeon A.J. Geiger, U.S. Navy) Fig. 891 – Gangosa (Courtesy of Drs. Marshall and Musgrave) Fig. 892 – Gangosa (Courtesy of Surgeon A.J. Geiger, U.S. Navy) Fig. 893 – Gangosa, showing healed and cicatrized lesions (Courtesy of Surgeon A.J. Geiger, U.S. Navy) Fig. 894 – Gangosa, advanced stage of disease. (Courtesy of Surgeon A.J. Geiger, U.S. Navy) [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 30

Colored photograph

Faces & arm

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 838 – Tertiary syphilis in a woman of 43. Eyes, nose and lips have been destroyed. The case is very suggestive of gangosa, but the patient had never been outside the limits of the United States. (Courtesy of Dr. John W. Perkins) Fig. 839 – Ulceration in tertiary syphilis (Courtesy of Dr. John W. Perkins) Fig. 840 – Tertiary syphilis of nose. Fig. 841 – Gummata and tubercular syphilis lesions of arms and trunk (Courtesy of Drs. A.F. Biddle and R.A.C. Wollenberg) ) [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 31

Color photographs


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 626 – Basal-celled carcinomas of the nasal region Fig. 627 – Multiple basal-celled carcinomata of the skin involving in the ear of a patient whose left ear and cheek had been severely frostbitten on two different occasions. There are several keratoses on both cheeks. Fig. 628 – Basal-celled carcinoma of the so-called “Rodent ulcer” type. (Courtesy of Dr. Howard Morrow) Fig. 629 – Basal-celled carcinoma of cheek (Courtesy of Dr. T. W. Allworthy)  ) [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 31¼


Venereal Disease

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “The following information was published by the Venereal Disease Information, issued by the United States Public Health Service” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 31½ 



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “Syphilis as a factor in Crime” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 32

Colored photograph


2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Fig. 460 – Vitiligo (Courtesy of Dr. John W. Perkins) Fig. 461 – Vitiligo, an unusual extensive case (Courtesy of Dr. John W. Perkins) Fig. 462 Vitiligo in a full-blooded Indian (Courtesy of Dr. Everett S. Lain) [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both sides - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 32



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “An approximate estimate of the prevelance of syphilis in different countries…” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 32¼



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Syphilis Strikes one out of ten adults” Men numbered 1-10, with 10th man being struck by lightning. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 32½


Heart Disease - Syphilis

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “The following is a list of the more common diseases of the pericardium, heart, and blood vessels…” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both - White crystallization on glass, wipes off.]

Slide 33


Iv Medication – Syphilis

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “Good results have been experienced in the majority of instances with intravenous medication of anti-syphilitic remedies…” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 34





Slide 35





Slide 36


US Cause of Death

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “The total deaths in the United States annually are approximately 1,300,000…” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 37


Symptoms – Venereal Disease

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “The following signs and symptoms as tabulated by Lacapere and Vallery-Radot, published in the Venereal Disease Information of October 20, 1929…” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 38



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “80% may be cured during first year of infection – Acquired Syphilis…” Old and young men depicted at top and bottom. Text box in middle. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

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Slide 45



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “The Old Way.” Yellow background with well-dressed bald man with finger to lips in “shh” motion. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 46





Slide 47



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Indirect Infections.” Yellow background with boy in hat and suspenders drinking from a communal cup[typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 48





Slide 49



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Infection of the Innocent.” Yellow background with two pie charts suggesting that marital infidelity frequently leads to infection of married women. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 50



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Infection of the Ignorant.” Yellow background with line chart indicating that young people are often ignorant of the disease and precautions needed to prevent it. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

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Slide 52


Venereal Disease

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Race Suicide.” Yellow background with pink cradle and blue wall. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 53



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Crippled Children.” Yellow background with nurses/doctors by child’s bedside. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 54


Venereal Disease

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Preventable Blindness.” Yellow background with young girl in blue dress hand out in front as if feeling her way. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 55


Venereal Disease

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Disabling Sickness.” Yellow background with four white coated surgeons/nurses standing over operating table. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 56



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “A Cause of Accidents.” Yellow background with depiction of train accident. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both – Tape holding black paper on glass]

Slide 56¼



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Typed document entitled: “Accidents.” [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 57





Slide 58


Venereal Disease

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Dependence on Public Charity.” Yellow background with mother in blue shirt holding two babies and little girl in pink standing. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 59


Venereal Disease

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Prevalence Among Young Men.” Yellow background with suited men standing in line in front of brick building. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

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Slide 61





Slide 62


Venereal Disease

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Eliminate Plague Centers.” Yellow background with aerial view of a city. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 63





Slide 64



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Rehabilitate Delinquents.” Yellow background with eight women standing/seated around table. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 65


Venereal Disease

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Make Known the Facts.” Yellow background with woman lecturing in an auditorium to an all-female crowd. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 66


Sex Education

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Parents: Play Your Part.” Yellow background with two women sewing and young boy sitting on one of their laps. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 67


Sex Education

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Do Not Delay.” Yellow background with one boy and one young man standing. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 68


Sex Education

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Begin Early!” Yellow background with colored bar graph showing age at first sex experience. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 69


Marriage Education

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Remove the Blindfold.” Yellow background with blindfolded man and woman walking off a cliff. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 70



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Danger! Syphilis Wrecks Marriage” Wrecked ship in background and married couple in lower proper left corner. Text  in green box. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 71


Marriage Education

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “Encourage Comradeships.” Yellow background with man and two women walking in a winter scene. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 72



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “The Aims: I. Individual Fitness.” Yellow background with man on horse jumping, capital in background. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 73


Family Life

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “The Aims: II. Happy Family Life.” Yellow background with mother with child and father holding daughter. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 74



2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “The Aims: III. Community Development.” Yellow background with grey house with red roof and trees. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]

Slide 75


Healthy Generations

2 glass plates, bound in paper enclosure

Colored poster entitled “The Aims: IV. Race Progress.” Yellow background with blonde girl and boy riding toy bikes in fall leaves. Text underneath. [typed on label that is folded over the edge; number  is on both]