Box 1 – 12”L x 3.5”H x 5.5”W
Made of cardboard, removable lid, black exterior, tan interior, no slots, one of the short sides shows two holes spaced evenly apart. Houses 47 lantern slides (all 3.25” x 4”, but three)
Slide # |
Image Type |
Subject |
Physical Attribute |
Inscriptions |
Slide 1 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mrs. Louis Nolte. S&M. May 8, 1917. Enema. [typed on label] / 7 [in red ink] |
Slide 2 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mr. E. A. Schaefer. Box 10. S&M. Confirmed. Nov. 10, 1920. No. 3 Enema tube in situ. [typed on label] / 46 [in red ink] |
Slide 3 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Subject, No. [printed on label] / Mr. Wm. Wolff, Spasm of the cecum simulating carcinoma [typed on label] / VERSO: Aloe’s, 513 Olive Street, Lecture Slide Makers, St. Louis, MO, Advertising [printed on matting] / SLIDE: 9 17 26, 8508 R [text on x-ray] |
Slide 4 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mrs. J. Connelly, Dec. 21, 1927 [typed on label] / [symbol], 6 [in red ink] |
Slide 5 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mr. R. F. Dickins. No. 1. April 1, 1921. 24 hr. motility. Colonic motor delay 3.0 (stasis?). [typed on label] / 21 [in red ink] |
Slide 6 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mr. R. F. Dickins. Seven minutes after inject… of 4 ounces mag. Sulph and ba, Note peripheral motility [typed on label] / 29 [in black ink] / [symbol] [in red ink] / VERSO: d [typed on label] |
Slide 7 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mr. Earl H. Smith, June 20, 1926 [typed on label] / 39 [in black ink] / [symbol] [in red ink] / VERSO: No. 1 [printed on label] / Smith …, 1926 [typed on label] / 39 [in graphite] |
Slide 8 |
x-ray |
1 glass plate, unbound, size differs 3.25” x 4.25” |
none |
Slide 9 |
x-ray |
1 glass plate, unbound, size differs 3.25” x 4.25” |
none |
Slide 10 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mrs. Charles Rice, Redundant pelvic and transverse colon [typed on label] / 10. [typed on second label] |
Slide 11 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mrs. B. L. Hill, Dec. 13, 1927 [typed on label] / 15. [in red ink] / [symbol] [in red ink] |
Slide 12 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Miss Frances Cohen, Nov. 6, 1925 [typed on label] / 8. [in red ink] / [symbol] [in red ink] / [mark in red ink? on l.c. of slide] |
Slide 13 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mr. Paul O’Reilly. July, 20, 1921. Enema. [typed on label] / 1. [in red ink] |
Slide 14 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Las, Gertrude [text on x-ray] / 8 [scratched into glass] |
Slide 15 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Subject, No. [printed on label] / Miss Frances Cohen [typed on label] / 9. [typed on label, scratched through with graphite] / 25. [in graphite] |
Slide 16 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, top plate cracked, bound with black tape, binding loose |
Miss Goldie Fligeltaub, Nov. 3, 1923 [typed on label] / [symbol] [in red ink] |
Slide 17 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
. John Dugan, Oct. 9, 1917. [typed on label] / …lies, ERKER BROS. OPTICAL CO., St. Louis, MO. [printed on matting] |
Slide 18 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Subject, No. [printed on label] / Mrs. C. S. Chesboro, Sept. 13, 1926. [typed on label] / ERKER BROS. OPTICAL CO., St. Louis, MO. [printed on matting] |
Slide 19 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape, binding loose |
Miss Marion Redford. HOS. April 10, 1919. Redundancy distal colon. [typed on label] / 40 [in red ink] |
Slide 20 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mr. N. Bastean. [in graphite] |
Slide 21 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mr. J. Bachman Brown. HOS. Nov. 15, 1920. 24 hrs. Atypical haustration pelvic colon due to abdominal exploration after left herniotomy. [typed on label] / 4 [in red ink] |
Slide 22 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mrs. A. J. A. Alexander, Redundant pelvic colon. [typed on label] / 9. [typed on second label] |
Slide 23 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Dr. S. M. T. Klie. No. 3. April 9, 1921. Injection of 6 oz. acacia mixture. carrying 35 grams of bismuth. [typed on label] / 26 [in red ink] |
Slide 24 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bottom plate cracked, bound with black tape |
Mr. Jay Herndon Smith, Spastic colon, …astic recto-sigmoid apparatus. [typed on label] / 6 [in black ink] |
Slide 25 |
x-ray |
GI |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Mrs. W. S. Dorsey, Redundant Pelvic colon [typed on label] |
Slide 26 |
x-ray |
1 glass plate, unbound, size differs 3 3/16” x 4 3/16” |
none |
Slide 27 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Miss Finley # 19 150 [in white ink? on matting] / 19 150RA, 1 15 38 [text on x-ray] |
Slide 28 |
x-ray |
chest |
2 glass plates, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / [undecipherable number in blue pencil and ink] |
Slide 29 |
x-ray |
chest |
2 glass plates, bottom plate cracked, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., Slides Made To Order. Ask For Catalog [printed on matting] / #5 [in blue ink] |
Slide 30 |
x-ray |
chest |
2 glass plates, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / 6 [in blue ink] /#4 [in graphite, over 6] |
Slide 31 |
x-ray |
chest |
2 glass plates, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / [undecipherable number in blue pencil and ink] |
Slide 32 |
x-ray |
chest |
2 glass plates, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / #3 [in blue pencil] |
Slide 33 |
x-ray |
chest |
2 glass plates, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / #1 [in blue pencil] |
Slide 34 |
drawing |
unknown |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape, binding loose |
Fig. 1, a, b, e, d, c, Fig. 2, a, b [text of drawing] |
Slide 35 |
drawing |
unknown |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape, binding loose |
a, b, c, d [text of drawing] |
Slide 36 |
drawing |
unknown |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
Fig. 1, b, c, a, c, d, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, c, b, a, Fig. 4, c, b, a, d [text of drawing] |
Slide 37 |
microscope print |
unknown |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
8-B, #8 [written on microscope print] |
Slide 38 |
x-ray |
head |
2 glass plates, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / #2 [in blue pencil] |
Slide 39 |
x-ray |
head |
2 glass plates, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / #1 [in blue pencil] / 23-29, 5786 [text on x-ray] |
Slide 40 |
x-ray |
head |
2 glass plates, bottom plate cracked, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., Slides Made To Order. Ask For Catalog [printed on matting] / 8 [in blue ink] / K 5-16-…, left 3428, III [text on x-ray] |
Slide 41 |
x-ray |
head |
2 glass plates, both plates cracked, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / [many numbers overwritten each other] / 8 24 …[text on x-ray] |
Slide 42 |
x-ray |
head |
2 glass plates, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / [many numbers overwritten each other] / 7 …[text on x-ray] |
Slide 43 |
x-ray |
head |
2 glass plates, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / [many numbers overwritten each other] / 6 29 28 [text on x-ray] |
Slide 44 |
x-ray |
head |
2 glass plates, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / [many numbers overwritten each other] / 8 [text on x-ray] |
Slide 45 |
x-ray |
head |
2 glass plates, top plate cracked, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / 9 [in blue ink] /#4 [in graphite, over 6] / K 2-5-29, left, 5188, IV [text on x-ray] |
Slide 46 |
x-ray |
head |
2 glass plates, both plates cracked, bound with tan tape |
KANSAS CITY SLIDE CO., ASK FOR CATALOG [printed on matting] / 4 [in blue ink, on glass] / 9 30 29, 48 79, left [text on x-ray] |
Slide 47 |
x-ray |
2 glass plates, bound with black tape |
St. Louis X-ray Lab, Case No. 8641, 10-27-36, Mrs. Addis …li…, Dr. C. F. … [text on x-ray] |