A short guide to IP resources available to SLU LAW students and faculty with a particular focus on resources used in Professor Voss' IP Research course. Some resources are freely available online while others require a username and password.
Having migrated from TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System) to an updated Trademark Search interface, the USPTO has made the ability to search for trademarks much more user-friendly for practitioners and the general public alike. Use the tool to conduct a free online search of the USPTO trademark database. Trademark Search provides access to text and images of registered marks, as well as marks in pending and abandoned applications.
From WIPO, the Global Brand Database is your gateway to more than 45,000,000 records from 55 national and international collections. Search the Global Brand Database before filing a trademark application, or to simply browse marks in markets that interest you.
The Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure is a reference work on the practices and procedures relative to prosecution of applications to register marks in the USPTO. The Manual contains guidelines for Examining Attorneys and materials in the nature of information and interpretation, and outlines the procedures which Examining Attorneys are required or authorized to follow in the examination of trademark applications.
The Trademark Status & Document Retrieval system allows you to see status information and view and download documents for pending and registered trademarks. TSDR also displays information contained in the USPTO records regarding International Registrations and applications for International Registration filed under the Madrid system through the U.S.A.
Available on Bloomberg Law with a valid username and password, this book permits the user to explore decided cases that have compared two products or services for trademark purposes. These comparisons can help the user determine whether those products and services are “confusingly similar” within the context of trademark infringement or obtaining a trademark registration.
Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Resources
The TTAB decides proceedings for trademark oppositions, cancellations, concurrent use and ex parte appeals.
The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Manual of Examining Procedure provides useful information for litigating cases before the TTAB including current practices and procedures.
Using TTABVUE, you can view a TTAB proceeding file by entering the proceeding number, or search for proceedings by application number, registration number, mark, party, correspondent.
Available in print and online. This text provides a comprehensive treatment of the law of trademark, unfair competition, false advertising, and the right of publicity.