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Interprofessional Education and Practice (IPE/IPP)

Resources for IPE

Interprofessional education in general

IPE articles in PubMed

Search string: "interprofessional education"[MeSH Terms] OR ("interprofessional"[All Fields] AND "education"[All Fields]) OR "interprofessional education"[All Fields]

Patient Safety

IPE articles on patient safety

Search string: "patient safety"[MeSH Terms] OR ("patient"[All Fields] AND "safety"[All Fields]) OR "patient safety"[All Fields]

Effective Teamwork

What is Interprofessional team-based care?

"Care delivered by intentionally created, usually relatively small work groups in health care who are recognized by others as well as by themselves as having a collective identity and shared responsibility for a patient or group of patients (e.g., rapid response team, palliative care team, primary care team, operating room team)" (IPEC, 2011, 2016, p. 8).

Search string: "patient care team"[MeSH Terms] OR ("patient"[All Fields] AND "care"[All Fields] AND "team"[All Fields]) OR "patient care team"[All Fields]

Ethical Decision Making

IPE articles on Ethical Decision Making

Search string: ((ethical decision making) OR ("Decision Making/ethics"[Mesh])) AND (interprofessional education)

Care Coordination

IPE articles on Care Coordination

Search terms: Interprofessional education, continuity of patient care, care coordination, case management, disease management, regional medical programs; nursing, team. 

Search string: ((("Case Management"[Mesh] OR "Disease Management"[Mesh] OR "Regional Medical Programs"[Mesh] OR "Nursing, Team"[Mesh]) OR (care coordination)) OR ("Continuity of Patient Care"[Mesh])) AND (interprofessional education) Filters: Journal Article, from 2000 - 2021

Professional Identity & Global Health

IPE articles on Professional Identity & Global Health

Search string: (global health) AND ((Professional Identity) OR (("Social Identification"[Mesh]) AND ("Professionalism"[Mesh])))