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NURS MSN School of Nursing Library Instruction Session Fall 2024

Library resources to support the M.S.N. Online degree program at SLU's Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing.

Other Common Tools

There are a number of various tools to finesse a search, but some of the most commonly used tools are:

  • truncation
  • exact phrase searching
  • nested searching


To search for different forms of a root word, such as vaccin* to find vaccine, vaccines, vaccinate, vaccination, vaccinations, etc..  You can use a wildcard to look for alternate letters within a word, such as wome*n to find woman as well as women.  The asterisk * is used in the library catalog and many databases for this. 

  • vaccin*
  • vaccin* AND wom*n

Use the * thoughtfully.  It can result in false hits (gam* will bring gaming and gamer as well as gambling and gambler). 

To find a specific phrase, with the words next to each other in order, use double quotation marks around the phrase:

  • "flu vaccine" 

Use the " " thoughtfully.  It can eliminate some relevant articles.

To build a search to combine the concepts, use a nested search:

  • vaccin* AND (influenza OR flu) AND ((college OR university) AND student*)

When combining searches, use parentheses ( ) around different parts of the search, as in the example above or the Scopus search below.


( (TITLE ( hypertension  OR  "high blood pressure"  OR  "elevated blood pressure"  OR  htn  OR  hypertensive ) )  OR  ( ABS ( hypertension  OR  "high blood pressure"  OR  "elevated blood pressure"  OR  htn  OR  hypertensive ) ) )  AND  ( ( TITLE ( mhealth  OR  m-health  OR  "mobile health"  OR  ehealth  OR  e-health  OR  telehealth  OR  tele-health  OR  tele-medicine  OR  telemedicine  OR  phone  AND  app*  OR  "mobile app*"  OR  apps  OR  app  OR  "health technology"  OR  "mobile phone*"  OR  "cell phone*"  OR  "cellphone*"  OR  "smartphone*"  OR  "smart phone*"  OR  "web based"  OR  "web-based"  OR  website  OR  "web-site"  OR  "web site"  OR  "internet-based"  OR  "internet based" ) )  OR  ( ABS ( mhealth  OR  m-health  OR  "mobile health"  OR  ehealth  OR  e-health  OR  telehealth  OR  tele-health  OR  tele-medicine  OR  telemedicine  OR  phone  AND  app*  OR  "mobile app*"  OR  apps  OR  app  OR  "health technology"  OR  "mobile phone*"  OR  "cell phone*"  OR  "cellphone*"  OR  "smartphone*"  OR  "smart phone*"  OR  "web based"  OR  "web-based"  OR  website  OR  "web-site"  OR  "web site"  OR  "internet-based"  OR  "internet based" ) ) )  AND  ( ( ABS ( "self-care"  OR  "self care"  OR  selfcare  OR  "self-manag*"  OR  "self manag*"  OR  "selfmanag*"  OR  "self-monitor*"  OR  "self monitor*"  OR  selfmonitor*  OR  coach*  OR  interven*  OR  "patient educat*" ) )  OR  ( TITLE ( "self-care"  OR  "self care"  OR  selfcare  OR  "self-manag*"  OR  "self manag*"  OR  "selfmanag*"  OR  "self-monitor*"  OR  "self monitor*"  OR  selfmonitor*  OR  coach*  OR  interven*  OR  "patient educat*" ) ) )  AND  ( LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2022 )  OR  LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2021 )  OR  LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2020 )  OR  LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2019 )  OR  LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2018 )  OR  LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2017 ) )  AND  ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE ,  "English" ))