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SLU Libraries LibQUAL+ Survey

Information about the SLU Libraries 2023 LibQUAL+ survey

What You Liked 2023

Themes from comments:

Undergraduate Students:

  • A getaway for study, learning, and research
  • Willingness to help users

Graduate Students

  • Employees who install confidence in users 
  • Community space for group learning and group study


  • Employees who are consistently courteous
  • Dependability in handling users’ service problems


  • Giving users individual attention

Theme: Staff and librarians

• “My experience with librarians and library staff has been excellent.” - Faculty member

• “Staff are very friendly and helpful.” - Faculty member

• “I have been really impressed in the work that archival staff and subject librarians have provided me in my time here.” - Graduate student

• "Our assigned librarian is great! She knows the ins and outs of the discipline specific databases I utilize. Provides assistance with scholarly searching. Facilitates two class sessions for the Ignite seminar I teach and is enthusiastically available to students. I appreciate having a dedicated, discipline specific librarian” Faculty member [MCL]

• “So much appreciate the ability to access library resources from my desk and the terrific help the staff provides!” Staff [MCL]

Theme: Electronic delivery

• Appreciate that I can get most articles I need via the web. - faculty [MCL]

• Good turnaround time on getting copies of articles not carried in our system – faculty [MCL]

Theme: Space

• I am pleased with the open spaces that now exist in the immediate area near the entrance to the library. The ease of printing is much improved comparatively and I applaud the individual(s) who ultimately implemented this change. - graduate student [MCL]

• “I really enjoy the diversity of study spaces such a quiet spaces, social spaces, and private group spaces.” - undergraduate student

• “The ATC areas have had a great impact on the library. Many great spaces to meet and work or collaborate. That has really transformed Pius.” - staff member