1. EBSCOHost Passport
This is a browser extension that is added to Chrome: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ebscohost-passport/ogcopdaeipjphchggpacpamopkdehdgg?hl=en-US)
Once added to your Chrome browser, choose SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES as your institution.
When you use PubMed, Google Scholar, or Wikipedia – you will see this icon for items SLU Libraries have access to
Please note: when working off campus, you may be prompted for your SLU credentials to access.
View a brief online tutorial here: https://www.ebsco.com/resources/introducing-ebscohost-passport
2. Customizing Google Scholar for direct access to SLU-licensed resources
3. Read by QxMD for convenient access on Mobile Devices