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US Patent and Trademark Office

The Saint Louis Public Library has a Patent and Trademark Center. The library offers assistance with searching, helpful information, literature from the USPTO, and informational books.

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From the Copyright office of the Library of Congress:

A principle of American law is that an author of a work may reap the fruits of his or her intellectual creativity for a limited period of time. Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States for original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, architectural, cartographic, choreographic, pantomimic, pictorial, graphic, sculptural, and audiovisual creations.

Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States
(title 17, U. S. Code) to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including
literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. This
protection is available to both published and unpublished works.


FAQs on copyright are available at the Library of Congress web site.