Many .mil web addresses use DOD security certificates that aren't automatically recognized by standard browsers. If you are using a lot of .mil sites in your research, you can easily get around this problem by installing the correct security certificates. For a more detailed explanation along with instructions and links to download the DOD security certificates see the website below.
Start your research with these databases or explore the guide for more in-depth information.
Journals & Journal Articles: Find links to selected journals in the field, as well as additional databases and information on finding and getting access to journal articles.
Writing & the Literature Review: Find resources for researching and writing your literature review.
Selected Readings in the Field: Find a list of selected readings in the field, with links to full text.
Remember: Never pay online to access an article!
If SLU doesn't already subscribe to a journal, you can request articles for free through Interlibrary Loan's Illiad service. If you have questions about Interlibrary Loan (ILL) or using Illiad please contact our chat service or your librarian.
Use your MySLU Login and password to access Library resources (journal articles, data, eBooks) from work, home or anywhere! Full off-campus access instructions.
In spite of all the digital content, sometimes you want a print book or a quiet place to study. If you're not close to campus, you have other options! As a SLU student you have access to university and college libraries in St. Louis and across Missouri (as well as select libraries in Iowa and Oklahoma) through the MOBIUS consortium. Use your SLU ID to gain access to the library at Wash U, UMSL, Maryville, Mizzou and more. Check out books directly from the libraries using your SLU ID and banner number. Use the MOBIUS Catalog to find out what books are available where.
Not in Missouri? Your local public library, public university library or community college library are options. Public university and community college libraries are open to the public and while you won't have special access as a SLU student, you will be able to use the library. Sometimes these libraries even have borrowing programs for community members to check out books.