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CORE 1000: Beyond Self-Care: Tools for Building Resiliency

For students in CORE 1000: Beyond Self-Care: Tools for Building Resiliency, Fall 2023 with Professor Beth Barrett.

This course page was created for CORE 1000: Beyond Self-Care: Tools for Building Resiliency in Fall 2023. Contact your class librarian (Rebecca Hyde) with any question or to make an appointment for an in-depth research consultation. For quick and/or general questions you can also use our 24/5 chat assistance to get help with your research! Don't forget, if you've been researching for 20 or 30 minutes and are getting anywhere, stop what you're doing and ask for help!


Encyclopedia's can be great sources for getting started with your research. They will give you and overview of a topic, including touching on different aspects which can include definitional information, history of a topic, current areas of research, and more. Whatever you're researching, these can be a good place to start if you're still getting familiar with a topic. Subject specific encyclopedia's are a good place to see the perspective of a particular discipline.

Finding Scholarly Articles

Some databases will include the full-text of articles, but others will include thebutton which links to full-text when available and if not available, gives you the option to request articles for free through Interlibrary Loan's Illiad service.

20 Minute Rule

Have you already spent 20 minutes searching & you feel like you're hitting a wall? Stop what you're doing and contact your librarian!

Research takes time. It's not unusual to spend hours and try many, many searches to find all the sources you need. But if you spend 20-30 minutes on your research & you're not finding anything remotely relevant, please stop & contact your librarian! I can help you develop search search strategy, and maybe choose another database more suited for your topic.