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ENGL 1900: Library Research Tutorial

Library research tutorial for students in English 1900: Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric & Research at SLU.

Background Information

undefinedFind background information in subject encyclopedias and databases that explore different sides of controversial issues. Use what you learn to define and focus your topic. The bibliographies, or lists of references, in these sources can serve as excellent starting points, since they include books and articles that are not only relevant, but also authoritative. 


Search across hundreds of subject encyclopedias in Gale eBooks and learn more about controversial issues in Opposing Viewpoints and CQ Researcher.

Overviews of Databases with Background Information

Learn more about Gale eBooks and how to use it by watching this video.

Learn more about Opposing Viewpoints and how to use it by watching this video.

Learn more about CQ Researcher and how to use it by watching this video.

Source: "CQ Researcher Tutorial Video" by Sage Publishing.