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ENGL 1900: Library Research Tutorial

Library research tutorial for students in English 1900: Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric & Research at SLU.

Module 3: Understanding Source Types

In this module, you'll learn characteristics of different kinds of information sources used in the scholarly research process (scholarly, popular, etc.) in order to use them effectively. To get the most out of it, review all text, images, and videos and complete the quiz at the end.

This module will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. 

Defining an Information Need

An effective way to begin a search for information is to define your information need. Ask yourself questions such as:

undefinedDo I need...

  • background information?
  • a general overview?
  • comprehensive information?
  • a quick reference to a specific fact?
  • in-depth information on a narrow topic?

Once you determine what information you need, you're ready to select the types of sources that best fit your need.