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CORE 1000-13 The Power of Communication Brammer 2023 Fall

APA Citation Resources


Remember, the citations that can be exported from CQ Researcher (or any library database) may not be correct or up to date per the current APA Citation Style.   Please note:  one of the updates in APA 7th is that up to 20 authors should be included in a citation!

General Style for a book:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter in sentence case in italics: Subtitle in sentence case in italics.  Publisher Name. DOI (if available)
Blanchette, A. (2020). Porkopolis : American animality, standardized life & the factory farm. Duke University Press.


  • NO publication location
  • Pages still abbreviated by pp in books if citing only a chapter.

General Style for a journal article:

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year of publication). Title of article in sentence case. Title of Periodical in Title Case in italics, volume number in italics(issue number), pages. if available
Stieger, S., Aichinger, I., & Swami, V. (2022). The impact of nature exposure on body image and happiness: an experience sampling study. International Journal of Environmental Health Research32(4), 870–884.


  • NO pp for pages as in books.
  • NO "Retrieved from date or URL..."

The following sources may be helpful! (These will open in new windows.)