Some sources will include full-text, but others will include the button which links to full-text when available and if not available, gives you the option to request articles for free through Interlibrary Loan's ILLiad service.
SLUth Search Plus includes all of the databases below it. If you're searching SLUth and getting too many irrelevant results, you may want to search one of the more narrowly focused databases listed here.
Freely available online. Use this link to search Google Scholar with SLU full-text options. Look for the "Find It @ SLU" link after configuring your Google Scholar Preferences using the steps found under “Additional Info” below.
To see the Find It @ SLU link when searching Google Scholar off-campus:
SLUth Search Plus searches the SLU Libraries Catalog, but you might find it easier to find books using the SLU Libraries Catalog directly. It's an inventory of what we have in and via the library.
Here is a guide to the location of books in Pius Library. They're arranged by their Library of Congress call numbers.
Keep track: Keep a list of the databases and search terms you used, that way you'll know what you already tried and where you had success!
Quotation marks: “Anna Moranda Manzolini” searches for the phrase Anna Moranda Manzolini. Searching without quotation marks will search for Anna and Moranda and Manzolini anywhere in the record.
Asterisk: anatom* searches for anatomy, anatomies, anotomical, etc.
Question mark: wom?n searches for women and woman