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APA Citation Resources

Remember, the citations that can be exported from CINAHL (or any library database) may not be correct or up to date per the current APA Citation Style.   The following sources may be helpful!


You will want to use a citation manager.  EndNote is free via SLU!

  • EndNote is a citation management software that can make it easier to keep track of your research and to create properly formatted citations and bibliographies for your research projects.
  • EndNote allows you to:
    • Save references and PDFs from databases
    • Cite articles in the body of your paper in APA format
    • Create your APA formatted reference list at the end of your paper
  • Downloading EndNote: See 


  • Don't save EN libraries to cloud services or network drives--the EN Libray may become corrupted.  Save to a local hard drive or jump drive.
  • There are 2 parts to an EN library: .enl file and .Data folder--both must be kept together!
  • Do not use EndNote to access and search databases.

For more help with EndNote:


Rayyan is a tool that can simplify your deduplication and screening of citations.  See: