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Citing Company & Industry Information

A guide to creating proper citations in APA style for some typical business resources.

Company Profiles

Mergent. (2020). Apple Inc. Company Financials. Retrieved March 6, 2020, from Mergent Online database.

PrivCo LLC. (2019, September 15). St. Louis Cardinals Private Company Financial Report. Retrieved January 29, 2020 from PrivCo database.

Standard & Poor's. (2019, March 13). Google Inc. Company Profile. Retrieved August 30, 2019 from Standard & Poor's Global NetAdvantage database.

Industry Reports

Ulama, D. (2020, April). IBISWorld industry report 33411a: Computer Manufacturing in the US. Retrieved May 28, 2020 from IBISWorld database.

Articles from the Business Press

Futterman, M. (2019, Jul 17). The underdogs: Are these teams for real? - New MLB rules, data analysis and TV revenue are giving a boost to former losing teams - could the Twins, Astros, Cubs and Mets actually make it past September? Wall Street Journal, D2. Retrieved from ABI/Inform database.

Dennison, C., & Waring, L. A. (2019). Blending academic and experiential learning: Developing a career intervention for the millennial generation. Proceedings of the Marketing Management Association, 63-64. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.

Stock Reports

Standard and Poor's. (2020, February 19). General Electric. Standard & Poor's Stock Reports. Retrieved from Standard & Poor's Global NetAdvantage database.

Value Line.  (2018, June 2).  Agilent Technologies Stock Report.  Retrieved June 16, 2019, from Value Line database.

SWOT Report

Global Markets Direct. (2020). Apple Inc. - financial and strategic analysis review. Retrieved May 28, 2020, from the Business Insights: Global database.

Information found on Company Website

Ford Motor Company. (2020). Ford report on the business impact of climate change. Retrieved May 23, 2020, from

Microsoft. (2020). 2019 Annual Report. Retrieved February 16, 2020 from