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U.S. Constitutional History

Library and internet resources for the research on U.S. constitutional history.

Government Documents

Government Documents are one of the many primary sources available to you. Falling into the broad category of anything published or created by a government entity, these cover almost every subject and date from the origins of our country to the present day. As you might expect, there are many resources from the U.S. Government related to every aspect of the Contitution.

Constitutional Law

Guides to the Constituion from the Law Library of Congress

Searching the Web

Federal government agencies currently publish more information and publications on their websites than they publish in print. Use Search instead of Google to cut down on non-government results. This search engine includes .gov, .mil, .us and other official government domains for federal, state and local government in the United States.


CONAN is what those in the know call the Annotated Constitution of the United States.  Prepared  by the Congressional Research Service,  the Annotated Constitution  (Officially called Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation) includes the original text of the Constitution, along with over 200 years of court decisions and legal anaylsis interpreting the meaning of this rather short document.

Contrary to the name, it does not contain any information on Conan the Barbarian OR Conan O'Brien.

U.S. Supreme Court

Congressional Documents