Need to broaden your search beyond the resources listed above? Browse for other library databases to search using the links below. Feel free to ask a librarian for help on where to search!
Look for the Find It @ SLU button to locate the full text of an article. If you don't see a link to a PDF for an article in your search results, the Find It @ SLU button will search the library's resources for a copy of the article. If it doesn't locate one, it will provide you with a link to place a request via Interlibrary Loan.
If you can't find the full text of an article via SLU Libraries, you can place an Interlibrary Loan request for it. After you place your request, you'll receive an email with the article within a few business days.
If you've located an article from a particular journal and want to see if SLU Libraries provide access, you can use the "Journal Titles" search on the library homepage.
Have you already spent 20 minutes searching and you feel like you're hitting a wall? Stop what you're doing and contact your librarian!
Research takes time, and when you're working on research for a paper you might spend hours researching and try many, many searches before you're done. But you shouldn't spend hours searching and finding nothing. If you spend 20-30 minutes on your research and you're not finding anything remotely relevant, please stop what you're doing and contact your librarian! I can help you develop search search strategy, and maybe choose another database more suited for your topic.