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EAP Graduate Pathway Library Curriculum

EAP Graduate Pathway Library Curriculum for 4100, 4150, 4200, 4250

EAP 4100 Library Curriculum

Relevant SLO’s

2) Identify and understand rhetorical patterns while reading a text

3) Analyze and evaluate structure and claims of selected academic texts

6) Locate and document current research in their academic fields, with emphasis on APA format

Curriculum Components

Part 1: Completed During Weeks 4-7 of Semester

Library Research Lesson 

  • Build familiarity with library uses: 
    • Private study areas/rooms 
    • Process for requesting/locating/checking-out a text
    • Online resources
  • Build familiarity with general/open-sourced and field-specific databases
    • Language Skills: Listening, Reading (for content and navigation)

  • Students bring a list of potential search terms

  • Students will find and request at least one source through ILLiad

  • Students will search for and retrieve one physical text from the library

Student Worksheet

See EAP 4100 tab in online library guide


See EAP 4100/4150 link in Assessments Forms tab in online Library Guide

EAP 4150 Library Curriculum

Relevant SLO’s

1) Comprehend spoken English from native and non-native speakers

2) Understand and take notes on main ideas and important details of graduate-level lectures 

3) Orally summarize and discuss the main ideas and details of a course lecture

5) Give an oral presentation on a topic from their field 

7) Apply university academic integrity policies to oral English and presentations

Curriculum Components

Part 1: Completed in First Three Weeks of Semester 

Guided Library Tour

Language Skills: Listening, Note-taking, Speaking

            *30-45 minute tour guided by librarian

*Students will fill out notes outline to listen for main ideas and important details from the tour

*Students will prepare ahead of time and ask one question during the library tour

Part 2--Completed in the two weeks following the library tour 

Oral Presentation
Language Skills: Speaking, presentation

*After the tour, students will at home orally record a summary of the tour with with an emphasis on highlighting what they learned

* Students will choose how a specific aspect of the library will help them with their graduate studies and will give a 4-5 minute presentation to the class about their topic

Student Worksheet

See EAP 4150 tab in online Library Guide

Post-Assessment Forms

See EAP 4100/4150 link in Assessments Forms tab in online Library Guide

EAP 4200 Library Curriculum

Relevant SLOs 

1) Utilize university library databases to find and synthesize research specific to their discipline 

2)  Build discipline-specific vocabulary in oral and written discourse through online corpus usage and corpora of articles

4)  Use appropriate advanced grammatical structures in writing

Curriculum Components

  1. General research review:
    1. Research guides specifically on research strategies and efficiency
    2. ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Lending Review
    3. Database email alert and other save features (EBSCO accounts) 

  1. Discipline-based research instruction:
        1. Discipline-based library workshop with designated subject librarians

Student Worksheet

See EAP 4200 tab in online Library Guide

Post-Assessment Forms

See EAP 4200/4250 link in Assessments Forms tab in online Library Guide

EAP 4250 Library Curriculum

Relevant SLOs

3) Participate actively in a discussion by gaining and ceding the floor

4) Apply effective presentation skills to own presentations with adherence to university academic integrity policies

5) Present own research for an extended amount of time with adherence to university academic integrity policies

6) Apply advanced grammatical structures and comprehensible pronunciation in a presentation

Curriculum Components

1.Research Process: Oral Response 

      1. Students will orally describe the search process they employed to find and select their research article for EAP 4200. 

2.Semi-structured Interview with Subject Librarian

  1. Students will work in teams of 2-3. Each team will be assigned a case study (see Appendix D), and interview questions will be developed by both instructor and student teams based on their assigned case study.

3. Mini Problem-Solution Presentation 

  1. Student teams will give a short problem-solution presentation based on their interview with their subject librarian. Students will clearly present their case study problem and then will discuss the steps to solve the problem, based on the interview with the subject librarian as well as the team’s own discussions. 

Student Worksheet

See EAP 4250 tab in online Library Guide

Post-Assessment Forms

See EAP 4200/4250 link in Assessments Forms tab in online Library Guide