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faculty profile tool to show your research



Who has access to Elements@SLU

  • By default, all faculty (full-time, part-time, adjunct, SLUCare, TT, NTT, research, etc.) should have access to Elements@SLU. If you believe you should have access but do not, reach out to

How do I login to Elements@SLU? 

  • Login using your SLU SSO at OR with the Elements@SLU App Tile on 

Can our (Department, School, Unit etc.) administrators have access to Elements? 

  • Requests for administrators to have access to Elements to perform limited functions can be sent to Administrators won’t have publicly available profiles on 

How can I add a Center or Institute to the available labels? 

  • Send the Center or Institute name to Include a brief description of the Center or Institute if it is not obvious by the name. 

Can a Center or Institute label be applied to all of my centers members

How is Elements@SLU different from (ORCID, ResearchGate, GoogleScholar,, MyNCBI, etc.)? 

  • While many of these platforms have similarities to Elements@SLU, there are significant differences. Elements@SLU is operated by Saint Louis University, and showcases the work, expertise, and scholarship of Saint Louis University faculty. Elements@SLU allows faculty to build a more comprehensive and robust profile than many other platforms. In particular, in enabling automated matching of scholarly works from numerous databases, comprehensive keywords (manageable directly by faculty), availability, and inclusion of many areas not available on other platforms, including teaching, professional activities, and ‘free-form’ text, all of which is indexed for search both on the platform (via, as well as by other search platforms (Google, Bing, etc.).