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faculty profile tool to show your research

What is ORCID?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is:

  • Non-profit, open source, non-proprietary​

  • a unique persistent digital identifier for authors

Why have an ORCID?

Why have an ORCID?

  • Distinguished your work from others with similar names​

  • Follows you throughout your career​

  • Increasing requirements from journal publishers​

  • Increasing requirements from federal funders on unique identifier usage

  • see also -

Setting up your ORCID?

Getting started

Navigate to:

Click on:​ Sign In / Register

Click on: ​ Register Now

Fill out the prompts, then create a password, then choose your visibility settings​

It is recommended that you include a secondary email so that you this will always transition with you whomever you are employed with.​