The following two sources list indexes/serial bibliographies of relevance for medieval church history:
The following indexes/serial bibliographies are presented as a sample of what is available to the student of medieval church history. Many more examples may be found in the two sources listed above.
L'Annee Philologique. 1924- .
The primary bibliography for classical studies covering, for the most part, "pre-medieval" topics; nevertheless very useful for "early medieval" topics and figures (e.g. Augustine and Boethius). Indexes editions, translations, conference proceedings, monographs, and articles.
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials PLUS. 1949- .
General theological database, covers journal articles and book reviews from 1949 and essays in books from 1960. Updated twice a year.
Index Religiosus. 1900- .
Combines the bibliographies on theology and church history formerly appearing in Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses and Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique. The most comprehensive bibliography for church history in general including the middle ages.
An open-access database from the University of Tübingen (Germany) with general coverage of theological journals, including medieval church history, theology, etc.
International Medieval Bibliography. 1967-
The International Medieval Bibliography covers the European Middle Ages (c. 400-1500) indexes articles and review articles (but not book reviews per se) from about 4,500 journals, essays from Festschriften, conference proceedings, etc.
A bibliography comprised of secondary source material pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). Citations for books and journal material as are citations for dissertation abstracts and essays in books.
The Philosopher's Index. 1940- .
Indexes and partially abstracts journal articles (300+ journals), book reviews, essays from books, and monographs in philosophy and related fields.