1790-present. The tool provides easy mapping and report creation functions for U.S. Census data on population and housing, as well as statistics on religion, crime and health. Use Census Tract data to analyze neighborhood change over time.
"The World Bank's annual World Development Report provides a wide international readership with an extraordinary window on development economics. Each year, the report focuses on a specific aspect of development."
"We are a nonprofit organization creating innovative solutions to help non-traditional financial and asset building institutions serving low and moderate income individuals build client credit and financial access in order to grow their businesses and/or personal assets."
"The Corporation for Enterprise Development is a national nonprofit based in Washington, DC dedicated to expanding economic opportunity for low-income families and communities"
"FIELD, a program of the Aspen Institute, seeks to identify, develop and disseminate best practices, and educate funders, policy makers and others about microenterprise as an anti-poverty strategy."
"The Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development seeks to address the problems of persistent and concentrated urban poverty and is dedicated to understanding how social and economic changes affect low-income communities and their residents."
"The Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC) is an international partnership of universities, research institutes and NGOs which exists to focus attention on chronic poverty. "
"The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) is dedicated to helping community residents transform distressed neighborhoods into healthy and sustainable communities of choice and opportunity"