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History of Psychology

Informational Reading

Baker, D. (Ed.). (2003). Thick description and fine texture: Studies in the history of psychology. Akron, OH: Akron University Press.
[BF 81 .T47 2003]
Excellent essays on archival research from the personal perspectives of established historians of psychology, based on their own experiences.

Brozek, J., & Pongratz, L. J. (1980). Historiography of modern psychology: Aims, resources, approaches. Toronto: C.H. Hogrefe.
[BF 81 .H56 1980]
An interesting book. See especially the contributions of Wertheimer (rationales for doing historical research in the history of psychology), Woodward (critical historiography as art and science), Bringmann & Ungerer (search and use of Wundtian archival and manuscript materials), Benjamin (case history of his own use of the Akron Archives), and Sokal ("internalist" and "externalist" approaches to the history of science).