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History of Psychology

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An Academy in Crisis: The Hiring of James Mark Baldwin and James Gibson Hume at the University of Toronto in 1889
40 minutes; on Google video    (
•Video documentary (2003) written, directed, and produced by Christophper D. Green, Ph.D., York University, that places events in a broad cultural context.

Historic Asylums of America
•Presents psychiatric hospitals founded primarily in the last half of the 19th century, with a focus on those built on the "Kirkbride plan." Fascinating and disturbing. See also The Story of a Mental Hospital: Fulbourn, 1858-1983 (England) by David H. Clark.

Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement
•Collection featuring over 2,200 images originating mainly from the Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor, New York, which was the focal point of American eugenics research from 1910-1940. Context for eugenics research is provided by virtual exhibits on these subjects: social origins, scientific origins, research methods, traits studied, research flaws, eugenics popularization, marriage laws, sterilization laws, and immigration research.

The Jigsaw Classroom
•Official Web site for Elliot Aronson's well-known cooperative learning technique.

The 100-Year Journey of Educational Psychology: From Interest, to Disdain, to Respect for Practice
•Overview by David C. Berliner, Ph.D., College of Education, Arizona State University.

Toward a School of Their Own (Part (I)
64 minutes; on Google video    (
A School of Their Own (Part II)
59 minutes; on Google video    (
•Video documentaries (2007) about the history of American functionalist psychology. Written, directed, and produced by Christophper D. Green, Ph.D., York University.

Stanford Prison Experiment: A Simulation Study of the Psychology of Imprisonment Conducted at Stanford University
•While part advertisement for a video, and certainly not a "text" in the traditional sense, this site includes detailed descriptions, as well as photographs and video clips, of the events of this familiar psychological study. The full-length (50 minutes) 1971 documentary film, Quiet Rage is available on Google Video (

The Stanley Milgram Website
•Thomas Blass, Ph.D., a Milgram scholar from the Department of Psychology, University of Maryland Baltimore County, developed and maintains this site. It features background information on Milgram, a selected bibliography of writings by and about him, information about the educational films he made, little known facts about him, quotes, and a question-of-the-month feature.