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ENGL 1900: Library Research Tutorial

Library research tutorial for students in English 1900: Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric & Research at SLU.


Newspapers contain articles about current events and are usually published daily. Published newspapers usually strive to be neutral, but be careful with unfamiliar web news sources which may be highly biased.

Example newspaper and article:



St. Louis Post-Dispatch



Group Says St. Louis Survey Shows 
Strong Support for Urban Agriculture

(Article published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

You can find newspapers in SLUth Search Plus and Nexis Uni.

Use newspapers to:

  • find current information about international, national, and local events.
  • identify trends in public opinion.
  • find newsworthy scholarly research (they can lead you to the original scholarly article).
  • provide a record of past ideas, problems, and events (from older newspapers).

Scholarly or Popular?

Newspapers are considered popular sources. They are written by journalists to be read by the general public, usually on a tight deadline.