A series of publications to promote the study of Latin palaeography: the understanding of the development of Western script, the dating and localization of mss., through catalogues of dated and datable manuscripts.
A collection of approximately 1,000,000 incipits covering all known Latin texts, in manuscript form, from the start of Latin literature to around 1500 A.D. This includes ancient, patristic, medieval, and humanist literature and covers all genres: theology and liberal arts, history and poetry, medicine and liturgy, civil and canon law, exact and occult sciences, summons and sermons, glossaries and correspondences, cooking recipies and cursing formulas, large and small treatises, even isolated sentences.
Reproduces a card catalog of Latin sermons by selected church fathers and by medieval preachers giving manuscripts, editions and bibliography for each sermon. Both the incipit of the scriptural text and the incipit of the development of each sermon are normally indexed.
Reproduces a card catalog of explicits of patristic and Medieval works, as a means of identifying the work in question; for each explicit, a citation gives the edition or manuscript in which the work is found.